Growing Up Strong

When children are little, we tell them to eat their vegetables so they can grow up big and strong, but it’s just as important for children to understand and cultivate their spiritual strength. It is this inner strength that guides them through life’s difficulties and times of uncertainty.

Flexing our spiritual muscles isn’t about defeating fear or discomfort. It’s about walking through such feelings, knowing we have the tools necessary to come out the other side. Myrtle Fillmore, cofounder of Unity, believed children have inner strength that we as adults can help them draw out.

When I was 10, my parents sent me to summer camp for a week and I was so homesick that I sent them a letter begging them to pick me up. They reached out to the camp to make sure I was okay but allowed the camp counselors to help me through it. At the end of the week, I couldn’t wait to tell them how good I felt that I’d stuck it out, and they told me how proud they were of me. Had they picked me up early to avoid my discomfort, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to work through my fear and access my inner strength.

We are each on a unique spiritual path, unfolding our understanding of our innate divinity. Children live almost exclusively in the present (the only moment that exists), and if given the opportunity and space, they can sometimes tune into their indwelling Spirit more readily than we adults can.

Here are three spiritual tools to help your child access their inner guidance system during times of fear or uncertainty:

Sacred Feelings. Part of creating a safe container for children to bring forth their inner strength is to honor their feelings. We can do this by sharing our own stories. Saying, “I know this feels scary. I have felt scared too,” models for them the idea that it’s possible to work through uncomfortable feelings and grow up to be big and strong.

Sacred Breath. Have your child choose their favorite stuffed animal, lie down on their back, and put the toy on their stomach. With one hand on their “belly buddy” and the other on their heart, have them watch the belly buddy rise and fall as they breathe in through their nose for four seconds, hold for four seconds, then exhale through their mouths for seven seconds, allowing their body to relax. Doing this several times grounds them and brings their awareness to their heart space, which is where wisdom lives.

Sacred Drawing. You can each draw a picture of yourselves as a superhero, calling forth attributes you have beyond the physical. If a child is dealing with a specific situation, invite them to draw the scene and talk about their superhero qualities that could help navigate the situation. Then have them add their superhero selves to the scene “saving the day.” Show them your superhero self-portrait and talk about the strengths you have that have helped you. You might find some are the same!

Prayer for Inner Strength in All Children

As I take a deep breath, I bring into this moment the children in my life. I hear their laughter and see their smiles as they explore and unfold their divine perfection. I bask in knowing that no matter the situation, they can tune into their higher consciousness and access their inner strength. As I expand my awareness to all children, I enfold them with love and understanding as they call forth whatever inner strength and resilience they need. I am grateful for these precious souls who carry with them the strength to navigate all things.

A Shared Family Prayer for Inner Strength

As we take a deep breath together, we give thanks for this moment. We call forth our strength from deep within. When a challenge arises, we know we will hear the still, small voice of God leading us to our next step. When a friend or loved one has a challenging situation, we surround them with love, knowing we are connected in Spirit and that they have all the strength they need.

Together we affirm:

I feel my inner strength and know I can handle anything" over colorful drawings of hearts

Did you know? All children are welcome to pray with Unity Prayer Ministry associates.

Call for Prayer:


Write for Prayer:

Unity Prayer Ministry
1901 NW Blue Parkway
Unity Village, MO 64065

About the Author

Rev. Julie Boniger is an ordained interfaith minister who serves as the associate minister of youth and family at Unity North Atlanta. She is on track to be ordained a Unity minister in June 2025.


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