When my husband and I started working toward buying our first home together, I knew I was in for one of the most stressful processes a couple can go through. Instead, it became the process our family now uses to remember the creative power of our thoughts and feelings. Our home is a house of miracles, and the blessings that aligned to create our home could fill a book. Here is just one of them.

We were purchasing our home through a special community program. There were a lot of forms to fill out, financial documents that had to be produced, and credit scores we needed to bump up. It took us a few months to get it all together, but we finally had an appointment the following Monday to turn it all in. In just days we would be approved and start looking for a house. We felt prosperous!

Identity Theft

That is, until we began to receive new credit cards in the mail. Supposedly, Tom and I had opened 11 new credit cards and charged more than $12,000 on them. Our identity had been stolen.

A situation that could have defeated me began to open the space for greater good in my life. Not only could I see myself as prosperous but I imagined this was for our highest good.

We immediately worried and contacted the credit card companies. Tom swore this would affect our home buying. Maybe it was the years of being in Unity and the many prosperity classes I had taken, maybe it was simply grace, but in that moment, something reminded me of the third principle taught in Unity—that thoughts have creative power.

I told Tom we had the option to see it in a different light; we could choose to see the good in it. Suddenly I realized, “Tom, we’re prosperous! Our credit scores were so good that someone was able to open up 11 credit cards in our names—some of them with some of the highest credit limits I’ve ever had! We are prosperous!”

I was determined not only to say it but to believe it with all my being.

We Are Prosperous

I showed up to my appointment that Monday and laid it all on the table. Everything we had assembled looked great, but I would have to wait to fully clear up the issues with the new credit cards before I could continue. “Ugh” was quickly replaced by, “Nope, remember we are prosperous.”

I told Tom I would handle all the credit cleanup. As I did the sometimes stressful work, I kept reminding myself, “I am prosperous and abundant.” I let myself feel the excitement and gratitude I knew I would feel when I walked through the doors of our new home. I was creating my experience through my thoughts and feelings.

The credit cards became expressions of my abundance rather than bad luck. A situation that could have defeated me began to open the space for greater good in my life. Not only could I see myself as prosperous but I imagined this was for our highest good.

About three months later, I showed up for a new appointment. The credit card issues were behind us, and I was greeted with even more proof of my abundance. I was told, “You are so lucky you had to wait and clean up the credit card stuff.” What? Why?

House of Miracles

In the months it had taken me to return, a new program had been created by the federal government that I qualified for. All of a sudden I was given a $30,000 no-interest loan toward our house of miracles. After we had lived in our house for five years, the loan would be forgiven.

Not only were we so prosperous and abundant that someone was able to open and use 11 credit cards in our names, but we received a $30,000 gift. Experiencing the challenges as part of my abundance was powerful enough. The gift of the $30,000 was simply icing on the cake—very awesome, prosperous, and principle-affirming icing!

It’s amazing what remembering Truth can do for our experiences. They become a gateway for our good.

Affirmation: With my thoughts and feelings centered on Truth, I experience this moment as abundance and wholeness.

Affirmative Prayer: I affirm the power that is within me, as I recognize the one presence in and as my life. Regardless of whatever situation I may be moving through, I trust that God is the source of my good. Centered in God, I have faith that the very experience of abundance, love, and peace is at hand. I focus my thoughts and feelings on Truth. I affirm this is a holy moment and a sacred experience. My heart and mind remember I am whole. Grateful for this knowing, I am filled with peace.

This article first appeared in the Unity booklet Five Principles for Spiritual Living.

About the Author

Rev. Juan del Hierro is senior minister at Unity on the Bay in Miami, Florida, and has received congressional recognition for his social justice work.



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