Mother’s Day is a dedicated time to show gratitude toward the mothers who brought us into the world as well as to any parental figure who nurtured us to grow along the way. But what if we were to act through the spirit of maternal love all year round?

When considering expressions of motherly love, qualities such as patience, forgiveness, compassion, and sacrifice might come to mind. Whether its source is from motherly figures or Mother Earth, maternal love is a divine reflection of God’s love for us.

As creations of and thus embodiments of God, we are not as separate from the Divine as we might believe; we are all one. To acknowledge this is to recognize our duty to care for one another as children of the universe. If we are mindful of it, the grace and love of a mother can demonstrate how to do this.

Beyond this annual occasion, we can commit ourselves to express maternal love in our everyday lives in hopes of extending eternal love to the world.

It Takes a Village

Wrapped up in the stress of daily life, we may feel as if we’re in it alone, operating in survival mode to take care of ourselves or our kids. Practicing maternal love and allowing it to center us serves as a gentle reminder that the universe does not revolve around us and our individual affairs.

The proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” captures the necessity of motherly love to be practiced by all of us, regardless of familial relation or even gender. When communities act through the powerful force of unconditional love, we can help take care of one another—and our surrounding earthly environment—with greater intention and integrity.

Showing up for One Another

Grand acts of self-sacrifice don’t need to be the core defining feature of proper motherhood or maternal love. For instance, despite the potential setbacks of becoming a teen mom, my own mother made the decision to do whatever it took to raise me as best as she possibly could. While she did in some ways “sacrifice” the freedom of her late teens and young adulthood, the most impactful expressions of my mom’s love never were merely what she had to give up for herself in order to provide for me. It was the ways I saw her invest in herself and other people that taught me the most through the years.

In our day-to-day lives, there are qualities of motherly love that any of us can call forth to nurture not only our children but ourselves and others. Whether or not we are mothers, some of the best ways we can show up for our family, friends, and colleagues are some of the simplest acts of mindfulness, such as:

  • Nurturing people and work that matter to us by putting in the time, effort, and care that allow mutual growth.
  • Practicing patience for people and processes in life over which we have no control.
  • Accepting and supporting each other in times of fear, uncertainty, self-doubt, and loneliness while remaining bolstered in faith that everything will work out.
  • Being generous when we are able—no matter if that means giving physical resources or simply giving someone the benefit of the doubt.
  • Protecting the things that are precious to us—whether that’s a home, a relationship, a special project, or the natural environment.

Consider Mother’s Day an opportunity to receive and reflect upon the divine gift of creation, spend time with a special motherly figure, or simply bask in the joys that Mother Nature has to offer. Acknowledge someone or something throughout your life that has demonstrated motherly love.

Beyond this annual occasion, we can commit ourselves to express maternal love in our everyday lives in hopes of extending eternal love to the world.

About the Author

Jessica Heim-Brouwer has a degree in magazine journalism from the University of Missouri.

Jessica Heim-Brouwer


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