Why I Practice Yoga and Paganism by Brenna Lilly - The silhouette of a woman practicing yoga on the dock in front of a beautiful body of water

Why I Practice Yoga and Paganism

Brenna Lilly shares her journey combining paganism and yoga, highlighting their spiritual harmony, ethical teachings, self-compassion, and reverence for nature.

Caring for Mental Health as We Age by Rev. Elizabeth Longo - An older woman with gray hair and a beige scarf, smiling while she smells pink flowers

Caring for Mental Health as We Age

Discover strategies for caring for your mental health as you age, including remaining active, keeping your mind engaged, and belonging to a community.

Inner Peace Through Movement: The Benefits of Tai Chi by Sara Crawford - A group of people of different races and genders doing tai chi in a field

Inner Peace Through Movement: The Benefits of Tai Chi

Discover the spiritual and physical benefits of tai chi, from improved balance and mindfulness to reduced stress and increased flexibility.

Childrens Blessing Inner Peace

A Prayer for Children: Inner Peace

Three spiritual tools for helping young people reduce anxiety Today we set an intention for inner peace. In moments of


Five Ways to Calm Yourself in a Chaotic World

The overwhelm started slowly. I would find myself disturbed by a news story or a social media thread here and

An open wooden door with light shining behind it and green leaves around the door and the text “Spiritual Keys to Aging Well”

Spiritual Keys to Aging Well

Embrace aging with grace and positivity with the new Unity booklet, Spiritual Keys to Aging Well. Learn how to befriend your changing body and mind.


How to Slow Down and Enjoy Life

What causes our need to rush? It’s easy to assume that the cause is economic: We must make enough money

Tools for Achieving Inner Peace in a Chaotic World

Tools for Achieving Inner Peace in a Chaotic World

Even in the most difficult of times, it’s possible to find stability within. In this excerpt from How to Stay Centered, No Matter What, explore 12 spiritual tools for achieving inner peace in a chaotic world.

The Spiritual Two-Step by Philip Goldberg, Unity Magazine 0506 2021, Folio Winner 2021

The Spiritual Two-Step

When he was young and idealistic, Philip Goldberg believed that world peace would take care of itself as each individual became more enlightened. That hasn’t happened. So do we withdraw from the madness or engage to help change things?


Spirituality in the Real World

When all seems lost in the world, I look to spirituality. Spirituality must be practiced in the context of the

Finding Peace in the Storm by Rev. Sandra Campbell – A beautiful clear lake with vibrant green trees under a cloudless blue sky

Finding Peace in the Storm

I was in my early 20s and persistently worried, constantly ruminating about some real or imagined trauma. But I had

Unity Magazine 0304 2022 Leaving God for God 1600x630

Leaving God for GOD

I was in an RV with two other women heading for Santa Fe when one of them, my friend Jane


Saint Rita and the Inner Harmony Game

Making room for more harmony in your life is a process that requires patience, prayer, and lifelong practice. Look, don’t


Autobiography of a Yogi at 75

Of all the books written in the 20th century, few if any have launched, inspired, or augmented more spiritual paths


Listening in with … Gary Zukav

Gary Zukav is well-known for his eloquent writing and speaking on the evolution of consciousness. He’s a visionary who can