If Just for a Moment in Time

If Just for a Moment in Time

In this poem by Peggy Green-Ernst, discover oneness as everyone becomes your brother and sister—if just for a moment.

What Means Interconnected Annual Theme 11 2020

What It Means to Be Interconnected

Through love, we move from a surface-level life to a deeper state of harmony The Native-American Hopi have an ancient

New Unity Board Chair Rev. Charline Manuel

Rev. Charline Manuel, UWH Board Chair

Rev. Charline Manuel has been elected chair of the Unity World Headquarters board of directors. She is the first African American to lead the board.


A Very Brief History of Wee Wisdom

Wee Wisdom was, at one time, the longest-running children’s magazine in America. Rev. Ellen Debenport shares a very brief history of the beloved Unity publication.


Listening in with ... Carlos Santana and Cindy Blackman Santana

Carlos Santana has been a student of spirituality for most, if not all, of his adult life. So has his


Letting Go

Article This article is not a recitation about a new door that opened in my life or what a joy


One Humanity, Many Stories

Sometimes it is said that if you knew another person’s story, you couldn’t help but love them. Each of us


Honoring Memories

Article Memories are as unique as we are. They are the cumulative echo of our life experiences. However, it is


Awakening Joy

Article When we moved from the city to the country, we were delighted by two mother deer and their fawns


Living Love

Article The story is told of a farmer whose corn each year earned the winning prize at the state fair


Welcoming Grace

Article St. Augustine said: “What is grace? I know until you ask me; when you ask me, I do not


Embracing Change

Article After resigning recently from the organization where I had spent more than 30 years, the hours seemed to zip


Mindful Moments: World Peace

As I live in peace, I bring peace to others. Quiet times of reflection bring greater peace of mind and


Listening in With … Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith: Go for the Glow

Michael Bernard Beckwith is hardly your average minister. Sure, he tends to his congregation (Agape International Spiritual Center in Los


What Diversity Looks Like

For one meal, I felt myself witnessing a glimpse of peace It was a moment, a glimpse into the heart