"Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Corinthians 6:9-10 NRSV).


I have a cousin who just recently announced to our family that she is a lesbian and will be participating in a "commitment ceremony" with her partner. She says she attends a Unity church. I know from the Bible that homosexuality is a sin (from this verse and others). I see that your beliefs say a person can choose his/her path, but I don't know how this can be interpreted any other way.


I am delighted to know that your cousin has found her way to a supportive and loving spiritual path that believes we are here to serve and share the Power and Love of God—each of us unique in how we express that divine Love, and how we contribute our Christ Presence to the world.   Paul's point is clear, and, I think, inarguable. Choices have consequences. The consciousness Paul describes as “the kingdom of God” will come into being according to the choices we make. Choices made from an appreciation of divine Love will result in loving relationships, loving attitudes toward others and an energy of love as our contribution to collective consciousness. Choices made from arrogance, judgment, greed, lust or other negative energies arising from false beliefs in fear and lack will produce instead a life experience of conflict, fear, resistance and lack. Those people—whether heterosexual or homosexual—whose energy is lustful, manipulative and selfish, who place sexual obsession above spiritual commitment, cannot possibly contribute to the consciousness that will express as the kingdom of God.   Paul was anxious, fearful and judgmental about all forms of sexual expression. He felt that sex was too potent a distraction and should be avoided if at all possible. He also thought that women had a lowly place in the divine scheme of things, that authority was to be obeyed without question and that slaves should accept their lot and obey their masters in all things. Over time, as we have grown in spiritual awareness, we have understood that while the spiritual principles Paul affirms are constant and universal, some of his specific applications reflected the limited mindset of the time in which he lived.   Over many centuries the Christian world consistently used Paul's words to justify the institution of slavery and the subjugation of women. His words haven't changed in the past 150 years, nor have we removed any of them from the text of the Bible. But we have grown in spiritual awareness, and we understand them differently. His words about sexuality—and homosexuality in particular—are equally subject to spiritual awareness if we are willing to set aside judgments and preconceptions. We are all equal expressions of God; we are all equally the Christ in potential. We are all called to follow the example of Jesus Christ and express that potential in all our choices and challenges. Making any fear-based energy—whether greed, lust, addiction or any other negative expression—more important than our Oneness with God leads to a negative life experience and keeps us out of the consciousness of the kingdom. But God is the Source of all love. And allowing that divine love to flow through loving relationships—all loving relationships —will indeed help to bring the kingdom of God into tangible expression.   I hope you'll be able to recognize that none of the names Paul calls “sinners” in this passage apply even remotely to your cousin and her partner, and to wish them well in the loving commitment they are choosing to make to each other, and to God. And if not, I hope you'll remember a central teaching from the ministry of Jesus Christ: Judge not, lest ye be judged.


Rev. Ed


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