“Do not be ashamed, then, of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner, but join with me in suffering for the gospel, relying on the power of God” (2 Timothy 1:8).


To have a clearer understanding and metaphysical meaning. Also to be able to explain the meaning to young people in our church.


Paul is writing to a student he clearly cares about deeply. He had previously ordained Timothy to carry the ministry of Jesus Christ forward. It appears that Timothy has perhaps become discouraged, or perhaps distracted. Paul writes to “rekindle the gift,” and his words are relevant to each of us, for we are all spiritual beings who have come into human lives to express and share specific and essential spiritual gifts. 

Paul has been arrested and imprisoned, and he realizes that Timothy might be tempted to “go underground” to avoid a similar fate. He also realizes that his own position is harshly judged in the eyes of the world. It is a shameful thing to be imprisoned. Paul realizes all that, and he calls Timothy to a higher perspective, a higher standard. We cannot achieve our spiritual purpose if we evaluate our progress according to dualistic human terms. We must “rely on the power of God” and hold firm to our awareness of the Lord—the Christ Presence of God seeking to express through us. From a human perspective the results may be challenging; but from the perspective of eternal truth, we are always enfolded in infinite love.


Rev. Ed  


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