
I keep coming across it and I want to make sure I’m understanding what it represents. Thank you.


We're told in Exodus 25 that the Ark was built for Moses, according to the command of the Lord. It contained the original tablets of stone on which the Ten Commandments had been carved, along with Aaron's staff and a sample of the manna that provided sustenance for the Israelites during their wilderness adventure. It was carried through the wilderness by priests; its power enabled them to cross the Jordan and, later, to destroy the City of Jericho by carrying the Ark around the city seven times while blowing horns and making noise. When the Ark is later captured by the Philistines, the fortunes of the Israelites suffer greatly. When it is recaptured and later, at the behest of King David, carried to Jerusalem, they become a great nation.   Charles Fillmore understood the Ark to represent "the original spark of divinity in man's being" (Metaphysical Bible Dictionary). I would see it more as symbolizing our awareness of that spark of divinity. So long as we move through our human challenges aware of our true spiritual identity, our lives will be expressions of our spiritual truth. If we forget, and allow the challenges of human life to become our only reality, we will be forced to solve our problems on our own. And that's a painful and usually unsuccessful process, until we reclaim the Ark—remember our spiritual Power—and allow it to express through us into our lives.   Blessings!

Rev. Ed


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