
In our youth ministry, we want to talk a little about the story of Esther and I'm wanting another point of view on the principles in this story and the metaphysical interpretation. I have read the Metaphysical Dictionary section on Esther. Just wanting to find a way to communicate principle to our young ones.


Your appreciation of the story of Esther is a lovely example of the power to be found in allowing the Bible to serve as a valuable guide on our individual spiritual paths. Interestingly, the Book of Esther was very nearly excluded from the Bible by authorities who felt it wasn't sufficiently “religious.” It is, in fact, the only book that never mentions God at all.   And yet it is a beautiful story about holding to spiritual principles in the face of pressures to give in to worldly realities. Esther enjoys her regal life, but she never allows it to distract her from her spiritual identity and spiritual truth. She never falters in her belief that what is right is more important than what is expedient—and that good can be achieved without stooping to the confrontational level of fear-based evil.   I find Esther to be an example of the important lesson that staying spiritually centered does not require that we sacrifice the pleasures of the world—just that we keep our priorities clear. She enjoyed being queen and the life it allowed her to experience. But she never sacrificed her faith for the sake of practical expediency. Rather she allowed her faith to guide her, so that her earthly power was able to accomplish great spiritual good.


Rev. Ed


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