
My grandson has become involved in a very fundamental church; he is 27 [and] still living at home.  He told his parents he didn't have to do anything at home or do what they ask because they are not "Believers."  He brings out all these Bible verses that say a woman should not work, etc. I am a Unity member but don't know quite how to explain the right (God intended) words to clarify the verses that he has been indoctrinated with. Oh boy! Thanks. Hate to see him so brain washed. Thank you.


I know how challenging and frustrating a situation like yours with your grandson can be, and how urgently you'd love to be able to reach out to him and soften the rigidity of his stance on the Bible, and on spiritual energy in general. In my experience, genuinely loving prayer is infinitely more effective than any logical argument could ever be. We love your grandson just as he is; we know and affirm that he is fully the Christ in potential, and we see the Light and Love of the Christ flowing through him into his life and all his relationships.   It's difficult to know exactly what Bible passages he has in mind to justify his attitude toward his parents, and toward women in general. I must note, however, that the fifth commandment is perfectly clear and straightforward. "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you" (Ex. 20:12). It doesn't say "Honor your father and your mother, but only if they are believers." Jesus sometimes disagreed with his parents and their concerns about the form his ministry was taking, but he never disrespected them. It is possible to hold different beliefs in an energy of respect and love.   Please know that I join you in affirming in prayer for a peaceful resolution of the situation between your grandson and his parents.   Blessings!

Rev. Ed


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