
I have been rereading the Scriptures, now with the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary. I cannot find a metaphysical reason for why God asked Abraham to offer Isaac. I understand part of this, but I would like to hear from you on this. Also, I would love to work with somebody on reading the Bible with someone who believes as I do.


I am not going to copy out here the lengthy and familiar story of how God tested Abraham by directing him to sacrifice his son Isaac, only to stop his hand at the very last moment and recommitting Himself to the great covenant he had originally made with Abraham. In its earliest times, the Hebrew tribe, like most others in that part of the world, believed that God required human sacrifice—particularly the sacrifice of children, since their energy was the most valuable to the future of the tribe. One purpose of this story, it is thought, is to justify a tribal shift from sacrificing children to sacrificing animals instead, as with the poor ram caught up in this particular drama.

Metaphysically, the underlying message, I think, is that as we move forward on our spiritual commitment, we may need to release human pleasures and habits that seemed to be a source of great joy, as Isaac was for Abraham. In truth, all that is really being asked is that we put God first in all things, that we recognize the divine as the true and only Source of our Good. Once we’ve made that commitment, we find that no tangible sacrifice is needed. We are free to continue experiencing and enjoying our human life and relationships, within the new framework of our pre-eminent commitment to the divine.

If you would like to read Charles Fillmore on this story, you might want to check out pages 183-84 in his book Mysteries of Genesis. I would certainly support your guidance to find others with whom you can explore the Bible. That’s essentially how Unity got started. You might try through a nearby Unity center or by reaching out to people you know who might be of like mind. And, of course, you can always join the ongoing energy of Unity’s web presence. Several Bible-based programs, including mine, are offered each week at, and the program archives are always available.


Rev. Ed


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