
This is not a question of Scripture, but rather phrasing. I am troubled by the repeated use of the phrase “Jesus the Christ.” If Christ is a state of consciousness, and Jesus is a teacher, a shower of a way to God, then it seems like we should say “Jesus, a Christ,” not “the Christ.” He is not The Anointed, or The Messiah—the dictionary definitions of Christ. He is “an anointed” and “one who touched the messiah-spirit.”


Words, words, words! Sharing our spiritual truth would be so much easier if we could just hum it. I share your aversion to “Jesus the Christ,” although I’ve never really asked myself why. I both agree and disagree with your point. I think Christ is more than “a state of consciousness.” That phrase suggests a larger reality of which the Christ is a part, and I think it’s more profound than that. Christ is the name we give to the Presence of God that we are. At one time I might have said “the Presence of God within us,” but that doesn’t work for me anymore. There’s not a “me” in which the Christ is. I am the Christ, a unique expression of the infinite Divine. That is the truth of who we are.   Jesus not only recognized this truth, taught and demonstrated it. He surrendered to it so completely there was no longer a false belief in limitation in his consciousness. He no longer doubted in his heart. He fully became the Christ in expression. For me, “Jesus Christ” is the name that recognizes the Oneness of faith and is the expression that he achieved—one that he calls us to achieve as well. I agree that to refer to him as “Jesus the Christ” suggests a uniqueness that is inconsistent with spiritual truth. And to refer to him as “a Christ” suggests there are other, separate Christs; but there is only the Allness of God in unique expression. To me, at least. Other people may hear the phrase and find it a perfect fit. Po-tay-to, po-tah-to. What’s important is that we never allow words to separate us from fully embracing the divinity that Jesus demonstrates—the divinity that is our own true identity as well.


Rev. Ed


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