One day the heavenly beings came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. (Job 1:6)


Explain to me how this scripture says the Sons of God (in some translations), if Jesus was God’s only Son.


Well, if Jesus was his “only Son,” then who are we? Are we not children of God? God is Spirit, as Jesus clearly taught; and as expressions of God we are also spiritual beings—eternal expressions of the Allness of the divine. The fact that we have come into human form does not mean that we are limited to our human identities. We are here to express our innate spiritual Oneness at every opportunity, and thereby to bring into expression the new consciousness, “the kingdom of heaven,” that lives within us as a great potential. In this passage, the author of Job would seem to be describing spiritual beings who have not come into human form, but are still existing in the realm of spirit.  They are one with us, just as Jesus is one with us. Jesus was able to overcome all obstacles and challenges in order to fully express his Christ self, becoming Jesus Christ.  He calls us to do the same thing: to believe in our own divinity, to patiently remove fear-based obstacles to its expression, and to become perfect expressions of our innate Christ.


Rev. Ed


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