"Very truly, I tell you, whoever keeps my word will never see death" (John 8:51 NRSV).


Jesus is speaking here to the Jewish religious authorities who are following him, challenging his teachings, trying to discredit him before his followers. He has just explained (in verse 44 of the same chapter) that their religious beliefs are lies—they are expressions of false ideas of punishment, lack, limitation, judgment and death. Those beliefs in negative energy create “the devil”—the expression of negative belief that arises from our false beliefs. This devil, Jesus says, is “a murderer” because the human fear of death as a final, painful reality is completely rooted in a belief in the negative energy that the devil represents. The truth is that we are eternal spiritual beings. That is 'the word' that Jesus is sharing. And if we believe that truth, if we accept it in our hearts, then death will have no meaning. Our spiritual unfoldment will continue unabated. We will move through the experience of physical death, but our focus will be elsewhere—on the great spiritual discoveries that lie ahead—and so we will not "see death"—we will see only eternal life.


Rev. Ed


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