
"Love" is a topic far beyond the limitations of a short email reply. The apostle John represents the divine power of love—not so much because of the Gospel of John, but because of the apostle himself, and the role he played in the life and ministry of Jesus. What are the qualities he demonstrated that would lead to his being associated with this particular power? Well, his relationship with Jesus was clearly a loving friendship—he is described as "the beloved disciple." He was supportive of Jesus, without making demands or imposing expectations. He was attentive to Jesus' needs as he went about his work of teaching and demonstrating the Christ Presence that is the true identity of each and all of us. And he was willing to do the work required in the physical realm to bring spiritual power into expression. This included taking responsibility for the wellbeing of Jesus' mother, Mary.   We tend to think of love as a gentle, quiet energy of surrender and acceptance. It can be that, of course. But it can also be an energy of forceful action. Basically, love is the name we give to the Power of God flowing through us into the world—and to the Power of God flowing through others to support our own spiritual work and purpose. Discovering how strong and active the Power of Love can be is, I think, one of the great joys of following the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ.   Blessings! Rev. Ed


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