"And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine will burst the skins and will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed. But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins" (Luke 5:37-38).


I am using it to illustrate how folks should set aside their beliefs if they are to have a new experience with the Christ within. Thanks!


: It is not just old beliefs that must be set aside, but the ingrained and comfortable choices we have always made based on those old beliefs. The message of Jesus Christ is not a slight variation on the “old wine” of religious tradition. It is something entirely new—a new understanding of our Oneness with the infinite Presence and Power of God, a new sense of ourselves, not as obedient servants but as empowered co-creators. To try to “contain” this new awareness within the strictures and limitations of old beliefs and behaviors will simply waste its power and potential in our lives. We must be willing to allow this new energy, new understanding, new creative power to transform everything in our lives.


Rev. Ed


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