Mark 10: 27—"For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are possible" (NRSV).


This is my birthday Scripture. I was born on October 27. My daughter was born on January 9. Thank you.


"For God all things are possible" is a very powerful birthday scripture verse indeed! Jesus has just seen the rich young man eager to "inherit eternal life" go sadly away when told that he would have to release all that he owned. (Jesus is not saying that he is blocked because he is wealthy; he is saying that he is blocked because his wealth is of more importance to him than the new consciousness that Jesus calls "the kingdom of heaven.") The disciples are confused and astounded; if it's that difficult to attain the kingdom, what hope is there for anyone? Jesus replies with the statement of Mark 10:27. Metaphysically, the message is that we cannot achieve kingdom consciousness by following the dictates of mortal mind. It is in mortal mind that we become distracted by other concerns and other temptations—money, security, pleasure. The wholehearted commitment required can never be obtained at the level of mortal mind. But we have within us another dimension—the Christ, the very Presence and Power of God. When we turn to that Presence within, all things become possible. And if we only remember that "for God—the Presence of God in us—all things are possible," then we will never be lost or held back on our spiritual path.   Joshua 1:9— "I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go" (NRSV)   COMMENT: Your daughter’s birthday scripture is equally strong. In fact, it's pretty much the same affirming, reassuring message. Joshua is being called to leadership after the death of Moses; he is understandably nervous and uncertain about stepping into the place of such a complete and powerful leader. The Lord reassures him that it was not the mortal Moses but the spiritual Lord that had led them thus far, and that the Lord would be with him as well. “The Lord” is the Christ—the Presence of God expressing as each of us. So long as we know that, and stay connected to that Presence, and allow that creative Power to flow through us according to spiritual law, there is truly nothing to fear. Challenges will surely arise; but we will know without question that the Power within us is greater by far than any power that presents against us.   Blessings!

Rev. Ed


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