I will give you the keys of the kingdom, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:19)


“Earth” is the world of illusion in which we live. “Heaven” is the realm of consciousness in which we are eternally One with Spirit. Jesus is teaching us here, as he does throughout his ministry, that our life experience will express according to our faith. We “bind on earth” when we decide what we believe about this life experience—and that belief will become our full experience. If we believe in a dangerous world, we will experience a dangerous world. If we believe in an enemy trying to do us harm, that will be our experience. If, on the other hand, we “loose” ourselves from those negative beliefs and hold to the truth that there is One Presence and One Power, seeking always to express in and through us as our highest, greatest Good, then that will be the life we experience. God—the Father in heaven, the Source of all that is—will express in our lives according to the beliefs we hold.   Blessings!

Rev. Ed


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