“Jesus turned, and seeing her said, ‘Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.’ And instantly the woman was made well” (Matthew 9:22).


 I am facing a second back surgery and am in the process of getting a second opinion, and perhaps a third! I would prefer to NOT have to get surgery as I feel strongly that God can heal ANY condition. I need more insight and healing Light placed on my situation. May God bless you in your work and thank you in advance!


Well, first of all, a second and third opinion would certainly be a good idea for such a challenging choice. This passage is, of course, the culmination of the story of the woman “who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years” (Mt. 9:20). In that society and time, such an affliction was grievous indeed; it meant that she would be isolated from the entire community, forced to live apart, because such a hemorrhage was considered to be unclean. She hears of Jesus, and believes in her heart that if she can simply touch his cloak, she will be healed. She manages to do just that, and is healed. Jesus makes sure that she understands what really happened: he did not heal her; her belief in the possibility of healing, her faith made her well.

We are called to have that same faith in God as God expresses as us. Our absolute truth always is that we are whole and perfect expressions of the divine. Anything that suggests otherwise is an illusion, and we can dissolve that illusion by trusting our innate Oneness with the perfect energy of the divine. That perfection—from which all healing expresses—may express through the laying on of hands, or through medicine, or through the divinely-inspired talents of surgeons and medical technicians. Whatever choice we make, we are called to recognize always that the surgeon or medicine or practitioner is not the source of the healing. God is the Source.   Blessings!

Rev. Ed


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