
I'm feeling very frustrated with certain things in my life and I don't understand why these things happen that causes one/me to feel so very bad. At one point; I experienced so much happiness and joy. Now, it's just the opposite. I heard about this scripture and it seems so applicable to me; however, I'm not sure I fully understand. But I'd like to know the metaphysical interpretation. Thank you and God bless you.


Much of Chapter 4 of the Letter to the Philippians consists of loving, personal messages and appreciations to individuals in the church. I'm not sure which passage you are asking about, but I would turn immediately to verses 8 and 9: "Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you."   I think of this beautiful passage as one of Paul's clearest and most powerful descriptions of how one is to live in Christ awareness. In a way it's a logical extension of Job's realization in the Hebrew Scriptures that "that which I greatly fear has come upon me." In both passages the underlying truth is that we contain, as the Christ of our being, the creative power of God. That power will express in our lives according to how we direct it with our thoughts and beliefs.   We can easily get caught up in our fears—the challenges, dramas and apparent threats that seem to fill our mortal lives—and fail to realize or remember that by keeping our focus on those negative energies we are bringing them into greater and greater expression in our lives. Paul's final, lovingly urgent directive to the Philippians is to do just the opposite. By recognizing and thinking about the positive, the lovely, the excellent, the praiseworthy energies in our lives—and they are always there, if we are willing to look!—we claim them and increase them—both in our own lives and as our personal contribution to collective consciousness.


Rev. Ed


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