“Those who spare the rod hate their children, but those who love them are diligent to discipline them” (Proverbs 13:24).


I don’t understand what “Spare the rod and spoil the child” means? I’ve heard it often and still don’t understand it.


This quote is not actually from the Bible. It’s generally attributed to the English writer Samuel Butler. But he probably was referencing Proverbs in this differently worded statement. The difference is significant. In Proverbs, “rod” is a symbol, not of punishment, but of discipline. The implication is that it’s not necessarily loving for a parent to allow a child free rein. The spiritual duty of parenthood is to lovingly prepare the child for the challenges of human life—the challenges of being a spiritual being in a mortal experience. The most loving parent is one who accepts that responsibility. The key word here is “love,” which is not a blanket permission to beat children. It is recognition that loving discipline is an essential part of our spiritual growth.


Rev. Ed


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