"One wise person went up against a city of warriors and brought down the stronghold in which they trusted" (Proverbs 21:22).


I think is more about a war strategy, although it can be used as a tool to reach some people's subconscious mind.


The central point to this brief proverb, I think, is that the realm of ideas is always stronger than the realm of physicality. A “wise person” is someone comfortable and at home in the realm of ideas. A warrior is reliant on physical strength and man-made weaponry. The French author Victor Hugo wrote that there is nothing on earth stronger than an idea whose time has come, and this proverb affirms the same truth. This may seem alarming—like a warning that our strongest resistance is completely vulnerable—but it's actually very good news. It is “warrior” thoughts in our own consciousness that insist on judging, fearing, resisting—guarding against any intrusion by new thoughts of love and spiritual possibility. But one wise thought—one knowing of the truth—one speck of faith the size of a mustard seed—is all it takes to dissolve our resistance and allow us to move forward on our spiritual journey.   Blessings!

Rev. Ed


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