“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.”—Proverbs 9:10


Yes, fear, but doesn’t the Bible also have words about not giving you a spirit of fear but rather of sound mind?


There is a profound difference—or can be—between being afraid and feeling fear. We feel fear in the simple awareness of a Power greater than ourselves. We become afraid when we judge that Power to be dangerous to our well-being. Our spiritual journey cannot begin until we become aware of the divine Power that is God. But that doesn’t mean we should be afraid of God—neither his Power in the universe, nor his Power within us. We must honor it, recognizing just how infinitely powerful it is.   In 2 Timothy, Paul writes to a beloved disciple who has, indeed, become aware of the Power of God within. He calls him to “rekindle the gift of God that is within you.” And in a time of danger and suffering, he urges him not to be timid in his spiritual awareness: “For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7).   Neither Paul nor the writer of the parable would want us to be afraid of God. We cannot cooperate with, become and express that Power of infinite Love if we are afraid of it. Indeed, to be afraid of God would be to be afraid of our own true spiritual nature. But to fear the divine is to be in awe of its infinite potential. Truly, if we are willing to embrace that Power, there is nothing to fear.   Blessings!

Rev .Ed


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