
A better understanding to how biblical times are similar to our time. How relevant it is to us today. A better understanding about how God's path serves me. To grow my little faith and have a better healthy caring heart toward myself and others.


Psalm 37 is, in its lengthy entirety, an acrostic. That means that in Hebrew each separate stanza begins with the same letter of the alphabet, in order. It's like a spiritual ABC book, but more for adults than for children. The result reads more like a collection of proverbs than a single, coherent psalm. And yet, within the artificial framework the author has included some guidance and advice that is no less applicable to our lives today than to the early Hebrews he was addressing.   "Do not fret because of the wicked," it begins, "do not be envious of wrongdoers, for they will soon fade like the grass, and wither like the green herbs." It may seem that those who do not honor the spiritual dimension of our human lives are prospering. But it is a temporary illusion—they are like the man Jesus describes who builds his house on sand. Without the solid foundation of spiritual commitment, prosperity will not last. And the strain and anxiety of trying to maintain it will make it impossible to relax and enjoy it.   The clear alternative is to "be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him." We find the peace and infinite love we seek, not by accumulating things, but by trusting in our relationship with the Lord—the Christ power within us. The reward the psalmist promises to those early Hebrews is that they will "inherit the land." The promise to us is metaphysically the same: we will feel a sense of ownership and confidence in our lives that no amount of outer wealth can ever provide.   Blessings!

Rev. Ed


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