Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4).


Yes, I have heard several interpretations about this scripture's meaning. Does it mean He will change our desires or is He truly interested in our desires? I'm not talking about sinful desires. What if someone desires a child, or what if someone desires to be married, etc.?


It can be very difficult for us, from our limited human perspective, to tell the difference between the 'desires of our heart' and the desires of our minds and/or our senses. However, it is very easy for the Christ Presence within us to know the difference.   God's answer to the desires of our heart is always “Yes!” Always. But God knows—as our ego minds do not—that what seems to be an expression of our heart's desire is actually not. So the Power of God responds to the heart desire, not to how we've decided that desire should express—how it should look, who it should be. For example, your heart's desire may be for a loving relationship and a loving life experience. God's answer is a joyful 'Yes.' But your ego mind may decide that one particular person is the perfect outpicturing of that heart's desire. God knows that he is not, and you do not receive the relationship with that particular person you thought you wanted. So from your human perspective it seems that your heart's desire was denied you. In spiritual truth, you have just been spared the often painful process of learning that we are not necessarily the best judges of what or who our heart's desire is, and how it will look when it appears.   Please note that the three words that begin Psalm 37—and that are repeated throughout—are "Do not fret." And the verse immediately following the one you asked about reads "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act." Your heart's desire is moving to you now through time and space, quickly, clearly and peacefully.   Blessings!

Rev. Ed


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