I felt led to go to a psychic, and a friend sent me this:
Do we trust Jesus or not? If we do, there is no need to consult with a psychic. If you seek them out, you undermine your faith walk.
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given to you.”
“I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritualists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people.”
These people are abominations to the Lord.
I felt that she was being judgmental. Explain what was meant by what she has said here.


I would certainly agree that the response was unnecessarily harsh. It is impossible to imagine Jesus Christ, who constantly reminds his followers to “Judge not,” having a similar reaction.

As with everything, it’s a question of consciousness. It’s like people who think that to go to a doctor means you don’t trust God to do the healing. God is always the Source—of healing, guidance or anything we seek. The healing, guiding Energy that is God can express in many ways, including through physicians and nurses, and possibly through psychics, tarot cards or whatever. 

There are two important cautions, however. First, it’s essential to avoid the danger that the medium, or the cards, or the doctor is the source. That creates a “false idol” and will, indeed, delay our spiritual progress. Second, it’s important to remember that you are as intimately connected with divine guidance as any other person, because you are a spiritual being here to express your own Christ Essence. The most anyone else can do is to help you to release the inner knowing that is already within you. Any assistance in discovering your inner guidance can be helpful. Any temptation to give your power away to someone you believe has more than you do is to be avoided.   Blessings!

Rev. Ed  


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