
Dear friends in faith ...
1) I need to know where is the background, the foundation in the Bible about the possibility of reincarnation.
2) In point of view of Unity Church ... what is to understand about reincarnation?
Thanks at forward for the time to answer. Father-Mother God bless you always ... Guillermo


I think Unity's understanding of spiritual truth cannot possibly make sense unless we accept the idea of reincarnation. If our purpose as spiritual beings engaged in a human experience is to bring more of our spiritual energy into tangible expression, to achieve that new dimension of consciousness that Jesus calls 'the kingdom of heaven,' then it must follow that the process requires more than the limits of a single lifetime. I believe this understanding is implicit in the entire ministry of Jesus—indeed, in the entire Bible. And there are brief passages in which the implicit seems to become increasingly explicit. But it's difficult to point to any specific teaching or passage that directly speaks to the question. Apparently we just weren't ready, in collective consciousness, to grasp it at the time the scriptures were written.


Rev. Ed


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