
Dear Amy,

Well, let’s see. I believe there are universal spiritual principles that are common to all spiritual paths, and to all spiritual teachers. That’s not to say that all paths are the same, but that all true paths—all paths committed to those universal principles—will ultimately lead us to the Oneness with God that is our truth. One of those universal principles is that we are all one in that each of us is a unique expression of all that God is. The Gospel writers used the Greek term Christ to define that indwelling Presence of the divine. It may be known by other names on other paths. The name doesn’t matter. The truth does. And that truth is what Jesus not only taught, but demonstrated. He became fully one with his own Christ nature—so that there was no distinction between his Christ self and his mortal expression. You may well believe that he is unique in having made that demonstration. But it’s important to understand that he is not the only one who could make that demonstration. The potential lives in each of us. And Jesus calls us, not to simply believe in what he did, but to follow his example and do it ourselves.   Blessings!

Rev. Ed


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