
I wanted to know Unity belief on Mary, the Virgin Mother? I'm new to Unity and have a lot to learn. Thanks


 It's important to remember that Unity does not have 'official positions' on such questions as the Virgin Birth. Since each of us is an expression of the divine, the spiritual awareness we need to understand such metaphysical concepts is already within us; we have only to be still and trust the guidance we receive.   Metaphysically, the birth of Jesus of Nazareth into a human lifetime is far less important than the birth of Christ Awareness that he will achieve—and which he calls us to achieve as well. There are those in Unity who believe in a physical virgin birth; there are others who do not. The important metaphysical truth is that the birth of Christ Awareness is always a “virgin' birth,” in that its Source and process are beyond the reach of human logic and scientific understanding.   Mary is our own feminine energy of love, faith, acceptance and creativity. It is that part of our consciousness that first receives the seed of awareness—that we are innately one with the divine. That seed grows through faith, love and patience—until we are ready to give birth to a new expression of the divine. The process can be challenging and painful—as it was for Mary—and the immediate results may not be as dramatic and glorious as we had hoped. The infant awareness has to grow—to be nurtured through distractions and shadows—until its full Christ energy can express.   Mary, then, is a symbol of our own spiritual potential—and of the Christ possibility that is always seeking to move through us, into the world, with its transformative power of light and love.   Blessings!

Rev. Ed


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