Happy Anniversary!

Since 1924, Daily Word® has provided inspiration, blessings, and comfort to millions around the world. In the past century, this pint-size magazine of devotional messages has sustained readers through two world wars and the Great Depression, through a global pandemic, through economic setbacks and national conflicts. It has been a personal companion and guide through grief, loss, fear, and illness as well as healing, overcoming, restoration, and a renewed love for life.

There are many ways you can join in celebrating Daily Word:

Watch the Video

Learn about the origin and growth of Daily Word throughout the past 100 years.

Daily Word Products

Find all Daily Word-related products in one place. From the book featuring some of Daily Word’s best articles, poems, and messages of the past century to a puzzle showing the Daily Word covers over the years, there is all kinds of inspiration to be found.

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Spiritual Sunshine: A 2024 Calendar

The timeless and uplifting messages in the new 2024 Unity Calendar—Spiritual Sunshine: 100 Years of Daily Word—will offer the same inspiration, comfort, and assurance that has served friends for a century now.

Read the Articles

In this section of the website, read about the history of Daily Word, learn about the many dedicated people who have produced it through the years, and see testimonials from those whose lives have been uplifted by this little booklet.

Daily Word: The Past 100 Years by Rev. Teresa Burton

Daily Word: The Past 100 Years

Frank B. Whitney’s Divine Idea

How Daily Word Went Global by Lois Cheatham

How Daily Word Went Global

Daily Word: Hot off the Press

Unleashing Inspiration: How Unity Leaders Use Daily Word by Rev. Ellen Debenport

Unleashing Inspiration: How Unity Leaders Use Daily Word

A Minister's Journey by Rev. Sonya Milton - a compass pointing to true north, sitting on top of a map with blue pins in it

Daily Word: A Minister’s Journey

Daily Word: An Anchor of Faith by Janet Templeton DeVries - a white anchor on a light blue background surrounded by white ichthyses, a symbol for Christianity

Daily Word: An Anchor of Faith

100 Years of Daily Word: Reader Reviews that Inspire and Delight! By Sandy Eastwood

What Daily Word Means to Readers

The Editors of Daily Word by Sara Crawford - Different color Post-it notes with the names of previous Daily Word editors

The Editors of Daily Word

Marine saluting into sunset

Daily Word Meets the U.S. Marines

Come to Unity Village

In August 2024, the annual Fillmore Festival, which celebrates the legacy of the Unity founders, will focus on the 100th anniversary of Daily Word. Hear from those who are carrying on its spiritual mission and meet others for whom Daily Word has been life-changing.

Aerial shot of Unity Village. Red tiled roof buildings, labyrinth, tall tan tower, fountains, and trees. Celebrating 100 Years 1924-2024 text.

Daily Word

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