“Take your love into the Lenten season and feast upon the acts of compassion and service that will bless every heart they touch.”–Daily Word, Editor’s Letter, Teresa Burton

Feasting on Love

Celebrate love beyond romance this Valentine's Day. Embrace divine love for everyone, making it a day of connection and compassion.


Giving Thanks for Everything

“Let me turn down the radio so I can hear you better,” my mother said as she disappeared off the

Finding Lasting Freedom by Teresa Burton, image of mountain range with red and yellow wildflowers

Finding Lasting Freedom

Transform long waits into moments of spiritual growth. Discover the power of choice and mindfulness to reclaim peace and freedom in any situation.

Love Is the Key

Love Is the Key

In this poem by Mary Berg, love and light ignite the heart and illuminate the soul's journey.

My Heartfelt Gratitude for Daily Word

My Heartfelt Gratitude for Daily Word

Diana Lee Loper shares her miraculous journey of surviving a heart attack, highlighting the profound impact of Daily Word and prayer in her life.

The Time of Our Live By Teresa Burton

The Time of Our Lives

Just as time is a secret ingredient to creating depth of flavor and tenderness in baked goods, it can also be the secret to adding more depth to life.

Forgiveness, Acceptance, and Love: A Father’s Journey by Emanuel Walker

Forgiveness, Acceptance, and Love: A Father’s Journey

Discover how Emanuel Walker's faith guided him through parenting trials, teaching forgiveness and acceptance in the face of adversity.

“She has made me aware of how important it is not to keep words unexpressed, not to be lulled into thinking there will always be time, and not to assume the people who are special to us know how we feel about them.”– Daily Word, Editor’s Letter, Teresa Burton

Grief and Gratitude

Rev. Teresa Burton poignantly reflects on loss, honoring the memory of a dear friend while emphasizing the value of expressing gratitude.

Our Time Is Now by Dodie Stevens

Our Only Time Is Now

Discover Dodie Stevens’ remarkable transformation from teen idol to spiritual seeker, finding solace in positive affirmations and the healing power of music.

If Just for a Moment in Time

If Just for a Moment in Time

In this poem by Peggy Green-Ernst, discover oneness as everyone becomes your brother and sister—if just for a moment.

Becoming the Mother I Am

Becoming the Mother I Am

Discover Rev. Diane Scribner's transformative journey of self-discovery as she transcended her role as a mother to answer her divine calling.

Roots of Hope, Branches of Possibility by Teresa Burton

Roots of Hope, Branches of Possibility

One year when springtime rolled around when I was in elementary school in the 1970s, each kid received a pine

From Fearing the Worst to Expecting the Best By Michaelle Washington

From Fearing the Worst to Expecting the Best

After a lifetime wondering What’s the worst that could happen? Michaelle Washington begins expecting the best—and finding a healing mantra in the call to be still through meditation.

How to Let Go

How to Let Go

Learn how to let go and find peace through practical tips, patience, and commitment. Explore spiritual practices to release worries and embrace positivity.

“Daily Word has blessed and inspired me as it has so many others. It is with a joyful and grateful heart I invite you to join me in commemorating and celebrating 100 years of Daily Word.”—Daily Word, Editor’s Letter, Teresa Burton

Celebrating the Daily Word Centennial

Join us as we celebrate 100 years of Daily Word in 2024. Dive into a year-long celebration with inspiring stories, a special calendar, and exclusive events.

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