"Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened" (Matthew 7:7-8).


 You asked for a prosperity passage, and I think immediately of Matthew 7:7-8. This great promise from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount is absolute and unconditional. There is no “maybe,” no hidden qualifications—just a statement of absolute spiritual fact. And yet you are certainly not alone in feeling sometimes that you are asking and not receiving.   This passage began to work richly for me once I realized that Jesus is not saying the same basic thing three times; he is describing a three-step process. We "ask" that the Christ of our being guide us to the next step in our human experience. We "seek"—we support the Christ guidance by doing the footwork; we explore options, make discerning judgments and stay centered in the Light and Love of the Christ.   When this process has defined the door that we are invited to step through to continue our spiritual journey, we still have to make the choice. We "knock," the door is opened, and we step through into a new dimension of spiritual expression. And the promise is absolute; if we completely and lovingly embrace the process, the result is guaranteed to be our highest good.   So "asking" is just the first step. We have to continue with the process in order to reap the rewards. And if we ask our own indwelling Christ—not for a final outcome, but simply for the next steps we can take—and then follow those steps as they are revealed to us, we will find our way to the door that leads us to our greatest good and richest blessings.   Blessings!

Rev. Ed


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