
I’m seeking the presence of God. I’m hoping that God’s presence can heal me from my fear of rejection. How do I find the presence of God?


There is no one Bible passage that will tell you how to find the Presence of God. But finding that Presence is the entire purpose of the ministry of Jesus Christ as described in the four gospels. Jesus described ’the Presence of God’ as “the kingdom of heaven.” It is the state of consciousness we achieve in which we fully know and feel our innate Oneness with the Power we call God. Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is within us, and that it is “at hand”—not a distant promise, but an immediate possibility. "Seek first the kingdom and its righteousness," Jesus taught, "and all things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33).   So we find the Presence of God by turning within, and by realizing that there is nothing to seek. One of the qualities by which God is defined is omnipresence. There is no place God is not. There cannot be an absence of God—except in our mistaken human minds. So wherever we may be, whatever challenge we may be facing, we have only to be still and know that God is in the midst of that challenge. It is never a question of "Show me how to find God." It is rather “Show me how to see God’s Presence in this moment.”   Blessings!

Rev. Ed


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